since this site is starting to pick up traffic, i’ve decided i don’t wanna be stuck with the name ‘vagabounce’. i’ve chosen a different name, one i’m far happier with.



for real this time!

my computer situation’s been a little difficult, but i finally have a windows laptop! i can translate! i can patch! REJOICE!

i’ve lost all of my AnKnA files, but the game i posted a screenshot of previously is safe. though i have more than just the prologue done, i would like some beta-testers to play just the first section.

two more screenshots, in case it sweetens the pot for anyone:

Screenshot (41)

Screenshot (43)

(in case you’re wondering, i always name my playtest character mary sue)

would anyone like to apply?


sorry I haven’t updated in a while!! I’ve actually been working on something,,, it’s a free game about a music club and it’s really fun uuwah!

as soon as I’m done translating the prologue I’ll send out a demo version for testing!

here’s a little screenshot of my favourite bishie!


Konno Kimagure Play Event 1

I have no idea what to translate ‘kimagure’ as and let it be catchy, so here! these are the angel/devil events that happen in premium. read them! enjoy them maybe?? I’ll just do smaller updates so I can get stuff out more often.

as always, konno bias! I would do some kou -related stuff but I have no idea how to make him sound like the badass gangster he is \(@w@)/

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welcome to vagabounce 2.0! from now on I will be known as creamsicle instead of sifris, since I mostly go by that name everywhere else. I was actually considering moving to lj or somesuch, but I finally found a theme that gets rid of the sidebars on full post view. from now on, I’ll most likely host my translations under a “read more” rather than uploading an .odt. sexy times! ♥

although I said I would work on hasumi last week, I found out that copying down the script verbatim is kind of difficult! I instead plan to wait until they are uploaded to a script site like this or this. those are the only two I know. if you know a site where taira, hasumi, or oosaka’s lines are hosted, please tell me!

in other news, MANGA TRANSLATION IS HARD. I really really can’t read handwriting, orz…

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PSP Exclusive Character part 1!

I plan on doing the rest over this coming week~ LET’S HEAR IT FOR SPRING BREAK, HUH?

I met him in january. I’m not sure if the script is different if you meet him in march? I tried to retain his original adorkableness, so it’s not 100% direct translation due to language barriers(or maybe I’m just terrible at this) but anyway!


perhaps some of you are thinking, “hey sifris! this blog is in english, you’ve mentioned it’s a translation, so why do you keep putting an ‘ENG’ on the end even though it’s obvious??” the truth is, I generally copy down the whole script of a section in TMGS in the original japanese before I go about translating it! I have spent many an hour slaving over open documents, switching between IMEs and multiradical kanji searchers until I finally get the lines down perfectly. the original hasumi1.odt is 7 pages long…. =w=

that aside, I’ve actually been translating some cute TMGS manga from pixiv~ it’s just taking a while because I suck at reading handwriting, sob…


so I worked on this all day to make up for the sad news! here we go, KONNO TAMAO’S LOVE MODE SPEECHES~! I don’t know what it’s really called when you touch him too much, so I’ve just been referring to them as “molestation speeches”. konno’s my favourite from TMGS3. ♥


sorry if the writing is bland/inaccurate or something! I didn’t see anyone else translating it, so I tried my best… >w<